A list of free grafic programs that runs in a 64 bit environment:
Designer Pro 1.1.3 (Download v. 1.1.3)
The program is champion at creating sketches, you can create an on-screen preview together with your customer within minutes. The viewer gets a three dimensional impression on how the product will look like. This improves transparency in the production process and customer satisfaction. This version has the following functionality; Use of variable document sizes different base models for the draft (t-shirt, coffee cup, button). It creates files in industry standard SVG format that can later be used e.g. with plotters. Test the application for free with full functionality for 30 days.
Gimp for x64 Windows 2.6.8 (Download Gimp 2.6.8)
The Gimp is the open source reference in image manipulation. This free application will allow you to retouch, author and edit your photos thanks to a wide set of tools.
Let’s quickly go through what you can do with the Gimp. The painting function has the essential clone, airbrush or pencil tools and a powerful gradient and blend tool. You can also create and save your own brushes and patterns for later use. The program lets you manipulate your photos, adding layers, doing Bezier and polygonal selections or setting text. Load and save animations in a frame-as-layer format and batch process all your photos for quick editing. The multi-windowed interface can be moved around to fit your needs and resized according to your desktop space.
While the Gimp is user friendly, the installation process can result a bit hairy. Because the application works under the GTK Runtime Environment, you will have to install this kit to successfully launch the program. The process is fairly lengthy and some error messages tend to pop up, however if you persist, you will be able to install the Gimp properly on your PC
Despite this fairly hazardous installation process, the Gimp is a program we recommend. Whether you’re out of dough or are looking for a free alternative to Photoshop, the Gimp is excellent image manipulation software with all the tools you’d expect. The friendly interface and expandability make this a program of choice.
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3 3.11 (Download Ashampo 3.11)
All the photo editing you really need. Instantly. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer enables you to touch up your digital photos fast. Everything is so simple you never need to read a manual – after you point and shoot just click and go. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer doesn’t try to replace major graphics programs. It just gives you everything you need when you want results fast. Features at a glance – Instant Optimize function makes dull photos shine – Optimize all your photos with a single click – Select and click red eye removal – One-click image rotation – Convert to black-and-white, sepia and inverted – Easy brightness and contrast sliders – Automatic backup: all edits reversible at any time – Explorer view doubles as a quick image viewer – Start with right-click from Windows Explorer
Fractal eXtreme 2010 (Download Fractal Extreme for x64)
Fractal eXtreme is a fractal exploration program that used real-time zooming and scrolling to make exploring easier and more intuitive than ever before. Fractal eXtreme uses high-precision math routines to allow zooming to virtually infinite depths, and the 64-bit version can do this deep zooming roughly four times faster than the 32-bit version.
Inkscape 0.47 (Download Release 0.47)
An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.
Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.
Blender 2.49b (Download 2.49b stable)
Blender is a 3D graphics application released as free software under the GNU General Public License.
It can be used for modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing, rigging, water simulations, skinning, animating, rendering, particle and other simulations, non-linear editing, compositing, and creating interactive 3D applications, including games.
Blender is available for a number of operating systems, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. Blender’s features include advanced simulation tools such as rigid body, fluid, cloth and softbody dynamics, modifier-based modeling tools, powerful character animation tools, a node-based material and compositing system and Python for embedded scripting.
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Hi, i have Windows 7 32Bit on my computer & am trying to load Windows 7 64 Bit, to replace it.. i’d like t know if this is possible to accomplish in the first place?
no u can’t. Look here
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Much appriciate for your good piece of writing. I have been seeking for this for a long time in many sites. Windows 7 is a astonishing software ever. I advise Win7Zilla to tweak Windows 7 efficiently
Thanks for your good publish. I have been seeking for this for ages in many places. Windows 7 is a marvellous software ever. I recommend Win7Zilla to tweak Windows 7 efficiently
I have to say that I love Windows 7. That OS runs very smooth. Even the 64 bit version runs smooth. When Windows Vista came out a lot of programs wasn’t adapted yet for 64bit. Even though 64bit was allready there when XP was the king. Now most prgrams has a 64bit version. Games also run better on Windows 7. It’s almost like playing on XP. Nice work from MS after problem Vista. And best of all, you don’t need a high end computer
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